Monday 5 October 2015

Unsafe Selfies

A selfie is something that most of the general public are aware of and that the majority have taken part in; some on a day-to-day basis. This is a trend that is slowly fazing out and it is actually starting to be considered rather 'uncool' to take a selfie nowadays.

Studies show however that selfies are responsible for more deaths than shark attacks. Shark attacks on average cause 5 deaths per year. In comparison, selfies have been responsible for 12 deaths this year alone.
A selfie with a shark.

The majority of the fatalities are caused by people falling from high places while taking selfies. Others include being hit by moving traffic, or attacked by animals.

This is a prime example of how far some people will go to 'look good'. Whether it is capturing the perfect view, showing off a cool animal you met or standing in moving traffic; some people just care more about their public image than their safety.

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