Saturday 17 October 2015

Emotional Wrigley's Extra Gum advert

Emotional advertisements are often some of the most successful advertisements; John Lewis for example are iconic due to their heartwarming stories around the Christmas period.

A recent advertisement from Wrigley's Extra gum is no exception to this, gaining a lot of social media attention in it's first weeks of showing.

It depicts a young romantic relationship between a couple in love sharing tender moments such as their first kiss and buying a house together. At each of these moments the female hands her partner a piece of Wrigley's Extra gum. Later on in the narrative she discovers through pictures on the wall, that at each of the moments, her partner had sketched their life as it happened on the wrapper of the gum. One of these drawings, includes him proposing to her and as she turns around he is behind her, on one knee.

As well as being a captivating and beautifully shot advertisement, the message is clear and intelligently conveyed. The message being that Wrigley's gum is with the consumer throughout their whole life and never changes. The consistency is what Wrigley's are priding themselves on and really selling to the consumer.

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