Monday 5 October 2015

Heineken Bond Advertisement

Bond, James Bond
Daniel Craig has featured in a new advertisement for Heineken. The advertisement features a typical 'Bond-like' boat chase and a 'Bond Girl' inadvertently assisting Bond in the chase while simultaneously holding two bottles of Heineken.
A makeshift Bond-Girl
The advertisement is visually stunning and I can see it being very successful. Using a star as not only an endorsement but a Unique selling point (USP) is a common practice in advertising and for men in particular, there is no bigger star than Bond.
Heineken/ SPECTRE ad.
Men want to be him and Women want to be with him so in that regard the advertisement is targeting both genders. The clip also does a good job of advertising the new Bond film 'SPECTRE' too; it is practically two adverts in one.

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