Friday 9 October 2015

Paramount launches new YouTube channel

Paramount has recently launched a YouTube channel which includes hundreds of free movies. This is clearly a step in the right direction for Paramount, in a generation which is slowly, but surely becoming almost exclusively digital.
The iconic Paramount logo.
The majority of the films are considered 'classics' with very few of them being very recent at all. All the movies are free however and there of plenty of recognisable titles already uploaded such as: Texas chainsaw massacre 2 and The Reckoning, with many more to come.

This is yet another prime example of a company taking the plunge into the digital age. YouTube is an incredibly popular platform and is a huge part of young peoples lives. If paramount can expand on this collection, this could be a remarkably successful venture for them as a company and could even potentially shape the future for them as a company moving forward.

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