Friday 9 October 2015

Sexist French Advertisement

An advertisement created by French television station 'France 3' has been pulled after several complaints that the advertisement was extremely sexist.

Hoping to promote the new addition of several female TV presenters, the station released an advert featuring an untidy home with unfinished chores, using the tagline 'where are all the women'.The advertisement included a burning cooker in an empty kitchen, a messy children’s bedroom,  and an iron burning a shirt.
One of the shots from France 3's sexist ad.
The advertisements goal clearly was to celebrate the women on their station, but it backfired terribly. By including several stereotypical and old fashioned 'housewife' jobs, many women, feminists in particular were outraged.

They say that any publicity is good publicity, however an attack on a whole gender doesn't seem like it can do any good for this TV station.

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