Sunday 18 October 2015

Advertisers admit unethical behaviour

Scott Cunningham, the senior vice president of technology at the 'Interactive advertising bureau' has admitted and apologised to 'messing up' the web.

Many of the problems that Cunningham admitted to affect iPhone users in particular. For example, the often frustrating pop-up advertisements that appear whilst using apps or browsing the web. Numerous iPhone users even resorted to installing ad-blocking software to combat these issues.

In an attempt to resolve these issues many companies have developed solutions. Apple for example, has released an 'Apple News' app which eliminates the need to browse the public web in which these issues occur.

Interactive advertising bureau have also stated that they are launching a 'Lean ads program'. Basically suggesting that the advertisements we will see from now on will be less invasive and safer.

Personally, I don't mind when advertisements are targeted to me and would be something I may be interested in. However, there is nothing worse than irrelevant and 'in your face' style advertisements which interfere whilst you are simply browsing your phone.

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