Sunday 11 October 2015

Campbell's Soup Advertisement

Campbell's have released a new advertisement that features two homosexual men in a relationship feeding their son some Campbell's soup. As I'm sure they expected, Campbell's have received mixed reviews for this portrayal of a modern day family.
The Campbell's soup logo.
It is no coincidence that this advertisement airs so soon after the 'love wins' campaign in the USA in which Gay Marriage was legalised nationwide.

The fact that Campbell's fully expected to receive backlash from this but still chose to run with the campaign is remarkably admirable to me and for the most part social media is extremely delighted with the campaign too.
A couple feeding their child soup.
Campbell's soup are such a traditional brand, dating back all the way to 1869. The fact that they are happy to promote an embrace what is considered to be a non-traditional relationship is extremely brave, considering a lot of their audience may be from a different generation which may be less understanding of modern day values.


1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to contextualise your posts with heading - for example this post may be headed "Society", Ethics in Advertising, Diversity or Sexuality Issues.
