Monday 5 October 2015

Quirky Emirates Advertisement

Jennifer Aniston has recently starred in a comical advertisement for the Airline 'Emirates'. The advertisement features Aniston looking for a shower and a bar on a non-emirates flight. She then wakes up from this 'nightmare' to a more glamorous emirates flight which does have a shower and a bar.
Jennifer Aniston

The use of the commodity of the celebrity Jennifer Aniston provides comedic value but also an endorsement. If the flight is considered sophisticated and classy enough for a star like Jennifer Aniston, who can more than likely afford a private jet, then it is certainly a classy company.
An Emirates plane.

To explicitly target the higher class ABC1 audience like Emirates have done here is a bold strategy, but on the other hand, they are certainly more likely to fly more often than a working class audience, if they have more disposable income, or even if they have to fly for their job.

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