Sunday 13 December 2015

Pepsi Uncle Drew advertisements

Pepsi have recently released the long awaited, much anticipated part 4 to their 'Uncle Drew' series.

The advertisements feature professional Basketball player Kyrie Irving disguised as an elderly man playing basketball against young people at the park. He lulls them into a false sense of security at first by making mistakes before turning it on and playing amazing basketball.

Each part features a new Basketball player alongside Irving and each one is as amusing and entertaining as the last for Basketball fans.

Fans of the series have waited over 2 years for a new addition to Uncle Drew and their dreams have come true.

The short viral advertisements created by 'The Marketing Arm' advertising agency have a huge following and I am a huge fan of the series, I often find myself getting involved in the speculation of who will be the next basketball player to be included.

Creating such a huge buzz for these viral videos can only be good for Pepsi. Fans eagerly anticipate the next part and Pepsi have gained a huge following because of it.

Cat treats 'temptations' advertisement

Adam&EveDDB have created an incredibly unique advertisement for the cat treats brand 'Temptations'. The minute long advertisement features various different cats dressed up in festive outfits.

The message conveyed at the end of the advertisement is that you should apologise to your cat for dressing them up in ridiculous outfits by giving them temptations treats.

The advertisement is very amusing and a unique way of selling the product and also a unique way of capturing the zeitgeist of the Christmas period.

Warburton's win the war on Christmas?

Warburton's christmas advertisement featuring the Muppets singing the 'Giant Crumpet Show' song has been voted the best Christmas advertisement of 2015.

In a time when Christmas advertising is usually dominated by the sad short stories, usually created by supermarkets it is quite strange and refreshing to see a bakers win the war on Christmas advertising with a comedy advertisement featuring the muppets.

The advertisement created by WCRS London, Featuring old classic characters such as Kermit and Miss Piggy using their famous sense of humour is hilarious and has proved wildly popular with the general public.
Using a comedic tone of voice is pretty unique for Christmas advertisements, so it is great that it has been so well received so far.

St Johns Ambulance- Chokeables

St Johns ambulance have decided to create awareness on how to help save a choking baby after a recent survey suggested that 79% of parents would not know how to save one.

The advertisement created by BBH features various miscellaneous objects that babies could choke on voiced by several celebrities such as David Mitchell and Jonny Vegas all explaining what to do if a baby starts to choke.

Roughly 21 million people the advertisement in it's first week on television. Also, apparently many babies have been saved as a direct result of the advertisement, many people claiming that they learned the technique from the short clip.

In that regard the advertisement is a huge success. The main goal would have been to raise awareness of this issue and explain how they can stop these accidents from happening.

By creating this short animated advert, they have achieved their goal and saved lives in the process of doing so.

'This Girl Can' campaign

Sport England introduced a campaign called 'This Girl Can'. The campaign features 'real' girls working out.

Created by FCB Inferno, the advertisements intention was to combat women's fears of working out
after a recent survey suggested that 75% of women would like to work out more, but don't because of the fear that they will be judged.

this girl can

Sport England also released an app to support this campaign and encouraged women to post videos of themselves working out.

The campaign has clearly been very successful, winning nine Cannes Lions since its release.

Targeting a real-life issue is often a great approach to take with an advertising campaign, as it often gets many people talking.

Listerine - Feel every Smile

Most people take smiling for granted. Its an everyday expression and interaction that most of us have on a day-to-day basis. For blind people however, it is much more difficult for them to know whether or not people around them are smiling.

Listerine introduced an app to four blind people which uses facial recognition technology to recognise a persons smile. The blind user can wear their phone around their neck and if a person is looking at them and smiling the phone will vibrate.

The short video advertisement which features the four blind people shows them using the app and experience what it is like to see someone smile. They are also asked what a smile means to them.

The advertisement is beautiful and heart-warming and is different to the majority of toothpaste advertisements out there, which tend to focus on gleaming white teeth and high key lighting.

Listerine’s brand director Alice Lovell says the brand are trying to focus more on what a smile means to different people.

Listerine have done a great job standing out from the crowd by producing a great and thought provoking campaign.

Coca Cola's one brand strategy

Coca Cola have radically changed their advertising strategy this year. As opposed to all of the separate products having their individual advertising campaigns, they have decided to bring all of their products together and advertise them as one.

This is an interesting strategy from Coca Cola, bringing all four of their popular products together rather than advertise them individually.

I personally like the choice that Coca Cola have made and like the look of the products altogether.

Everyone has their favourite Coca Cola product and by bringing them together like this just subtly reminds people that Coca Cola are the company responsible for so many different products and flavours.