Sunday 29 November 2015

Sainsbury's and Mog the cat

John Lewis and Sainsbury's are the two major companies to look out for in terms of Christmas advertising. John Lewis have arguably gained the majority of attention this year with their man on the moon advertisement, but Sainsbury's may well be the nations favourite with their loveable Mog the cat Christmas advertisement.

The advertisement is based on the series of children's books by Judith Kerr dating back as early as 1970.

Mog, the forgetful cat gets into multiple difficult scenarios in which she inadvertently continues to ruin things until the house is set on fire. The neighbours then precede to help the family to get the house back together again and Mog is happy again.

The agency responsible for the beautifully animated advertisement is Abbott Mead Vickers BBDO.

Sainsbury's have already sold out of Mog toys and the book which accompanies the advertisement 'Mog's Christmas Calamity' is climbing the children's best seller list.

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