Friday 6 November 2015

John Lewis Christmas advertisement has arrived!

John Lewis is a company that since 2007,  has produced the best of the best Christmas advertisements. They often feature a classic song, covered in a heartwarming way. The song often gains a boost in sales from these advertisements, proving how effective they really are.

This year the advertisement features an Oasis song 'Half the World Away', covered by Aurora - a 19 year old Norwegian singer.

The narrative follows a young Girl named Lily, who when looking through her telescope finds a Man on the moon all alone. She attempts to befriend him by sending gifts to him but fails to reach until Christmas day. The elderly man receives Lily's gift and sheds a tear of joy; the message reading 'Show someone they're loved this Christmas'.

The beautifully shot 2 minute piece created by ad agency Adam & Eve DDB is sure to be as successful as the previous years. The ad really is a tear-jerker and plays on the sad fact of elderly people not being able to share Christmas with their loved ones.

It is clear why John Lewis have gained this reputation for beautiful and emotional Christmas advertisements.

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