Thursday 24 September 2015

A new era for Television?

As we all know the world is changing rapidly thanks to the role of technology. Television as we know it, in particular is changing. More and more people are converting to a new way of watching their favourite TV shows and Movies with streaming services like Netflix and Amazon Prime, being so affordable and available on so many different platforms. This of course is resulting in a decrease of everyday television viewers.

The co-founder and CEO of popular television streaming service 'Netflix' Reed Hastings has even predicted that within the next 10-15 years, all television will be online. Although this may seem like an incredibly bold statement, if you consider how much the internet as a whole has grown in that amount of time, it does not seem so farfetched.

Reed Hastings, Netflix CEO.

One of the reasons for the incredible success of companies like Netflix is the ability to binge-watch your favourite shows. Giving the consumer the power to 'click and watch' at will, is a much more appealing feature than scheduled times. No one wants to wait a week to watch their favourite shows!

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